Whiteboard your way to great & interactive education

  • Messy hands and conventional chalks are long gone
  • Digital whiteboards are a new norm wherein students can draw and write with digital pens or use a mouse
  • Unlike traditional whiteboards that use color markers, digital whiteboards use digital stylus pens or other devices for students to write, draw, or, design
  • Digital whiteboards can be connected to audio and video to build interactive presentations and collaborate using screen-sharing from any device in real-time
  • Digital whiteboards provide students and teachers the ability to save whiteboard presentations for future reference
  • Modern cloud-based video conferencing software are light-weight applications that can be accessed from various devices viz. tablet, phone, or a laptop
  • Simplifying the learning process is what schools, universities, and other institutions are looking at, but when it comes to teaching children, getting their attention is what’s important

Let’s consider a few benefits of white boarding in the education sector.

Whiteboards make it easier to build structured lessons & brainstorm sessions.

  • A digital touchscreen allows teachers to write, sketch, and import files and photos with a simple stylus or their fingers
  • Modern video conferencing software allows teachers to erase or save their presentations with a detailed description of the lesson
  • Conventional whiteboards made it extremely difficult for teachers to build content by spending hours and again rewriting new content for the next class
  • Conventional whiteboards never gave teachers the ability to create and save their work as that is not possible
  • On the contrary, a digital whiteboard can record and save every piece of content for future review.

Whiteboards facilitate engagement between students and teachers.

  • Getting student attention and creating engagement with various students can be a challenge for teachers and students.
  • Digital whiteboards provide a plethora of opportunities for teachers to create an engaging ecosystem wherein students can interactively leverage various learning styles.
  • As students have various styles of learning, some prefer audio, some video, or some even prefer learning through images.
  • A whiteboard makes students more focused through visual & immersive learning.
  • Teachers can create question sets for students to engage with and get the right answers on the whiteboard itself

Making the learning process interactive & fun.

  • As whiteboarding creates an engaging scenario, it also makes students interact with one another, this fuels a child’s interest in using digital whiteboards to write, draw, and play games after a class are done
  • With so many touch points, students can multitask viz. sketch a shape, and at the same time solve a simple math problem.
  • Learning content can be presented memorably and creatively. Importing files and images is a great feature kids can leverage in real-time to draw, doodle, etc.

Greater interactivity for students without attending class.

  • With internet access, students can easily join or attend a class through video or audio and then switch to white boarding once the teacher starts presenting learning content in real-time.
  • Web conferencing software helps students take notes, make changes on the whiteboard, and stay engaged for the entire class.

Teachers can create lectures for different classes through data compartmentalization.    

  • As web conferencing platforms are cloud-based, they are easy to use
  • Teachers can leverage this feature to create class-wise or topic-wise content through features like compartmentalization, wherein each piece of content, be it topic-wise or class-wise can be taught and recorded

Wrapping it up

  • Moving forward, video conferencing software will experience greater market penetration as teachers and students are practically using it daily to conduct classes
  • Spending more time on these platforms using the whiteboard will continue to build a stronger student-teacher ecosystem that creates a win-win situation for both.

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